How a Solar PV System Works


Solar PV panels, also known as photovoltaics or solar PV, are made up of photovoltaic cells that capture solar radiation/energy from the sun and convert it into electricity. The electricity then passes through an inverter to make it suitable for use in the home. The solar cells generate a DC current (direct current) which must be converted to an AC current (alternating current) to make it usable. The inverter is positioned inside your home and as close to the solar panels as possible. Battery storage allows you to use more of the electricity you generate by storing the surplus energy you generate during the day for use in the evening.








Solar power is a popular renewable energy choice and the system will still work on overcast days. It is a green source of energy that will help with climate change and significantly reduce energy bills.


For your free solar suitability check and expert solar PV survey please contact us.